Music State of the art dance music 3. November 2014Philipp If you want to be a cool dance music producer in 2015, your music should sound like this.View Post Share
Music [Track of the Day] Blonde – I loved you 7. October 2014Philipp Another big big track forthcoming on Pete Tongs FFRR record label. This is pretty much how house should sound like (in my opinion;) ).View Post Share
Dublin Music Good dance music DJ gigs in Dublin Oct-Dec 6. October 2014Philipp I compiled a short list of DJ nights which should be worth to attend… Probably can’t attend all of them :/View Post Share
Music Disciples – They Don’t Know 18. September 2014Philipp This is ESSENTIAL house music. Curated by the legend Pete Tong MBE as his Essential New Tune (Fun fact: also released on his FFRR records label 😉 )View Post Share