In my leisure time, I continue to develop new features for The latest addition is a brand ranking which should advise the user on which brand is the fastest. There are three different categories: for board, sail and fin companies. The brands of the first-placed get 30 points, the brands of the second-placed rider get 29 and so on…
The results are computed LIVE using simple SQL and a helper. The helper view produces data like this:
`b`.`name` AS `Name`,
sum((31 - `h`.`Rang`)) AS `Punkte`
FROM (`speedkini_ranking_helper` `h`
JOIN `speedkini_equipment_brand` `b`)
WHERE ((`h`.`Boardbrand` = `b`.`ID`) AND (`h`.`Rang` <= 30))
GROUP BY `h`.`Boardbrand`
ORDER BY sum((31 - `h`.`Rang`)) DESC;
You can check out the working brand ranking at